I wrote this to a dear friend of mine, in response to her posting about her struggles, and how she’s trying to make a change for the better.
I think this thought applies to so many of us. I most definitely try to live this to the fullest myself, after having stayed inside the comfort zone, corrosive as it is, for so long.
It’s surprising how hard it is to be affirmative and proactive about your own little self, without all the pretense and conventions that society seems to dictate. And it’s so damn easy to hold on to what you know, what is convenient, and comfortable. No matter how undermining or destructive you actually know or feel, deep inside, it is.
But as soon as you take that leap of faith, try to embrace yourself, and it will be hardest at first….
Like looking at your self in the mirror and saying “I like you”. You don’t believe any of it, and you sort of mock and laugh at the silly tree hugging thing that you are doing, but all of a sudden, it starts ringing true in your mind, and then, without knowing it happens, it’s in your heart, and you start actually living the “I love you”, and you sort of wish you’d done that a lot sooner.
Live, learn, laugh, love. <3 <3 <3