I did something again for the first time in years.
It had been way too long ago.
For so many years, my entertainment after my working day was either music, movie, or tv. I felt too ‘cluttered in my mind’, not enough ‘clear mind’ to fully enjoy it, despite having spent whole days and nights doing nothing but that, for years.
And then, I’d just think back of those times, wistfully, and ignoring it…
But last night, I finally just did it.
I finally picked up a book again!!!
And what’s more, one of those analogue ones (I’ll have an iPod, but never an e-reader); with actual pages, and a slightly dusty smell, and broken backs.
I had continued buying so many interesting books that I wanted to read, but never really gave myself enough pause or respite enough to actually do so.
Last night’s book isn’t the best book ever, not even by a long stretch, but I felt I owe it to myself and to the books themselves, to first finish the books I had already started reading, before picking up new ones; so I’ll be doing that for the next few nights, and then… then…
All aboard the train, final destination fantasy worlds hiding in books in between the printed letters. <3