To all my friends. I am writing this in response to this monologue by Jodi, The Tall Girl’s (© Wonderland Sound and Vision, 2019) main character played by Ava Michelle.

Whatever makes you stand out from the crowd; don’t let it define you. Use it to your advantage, be proud and stand tall.

At the end of the proverbial day, you only have yourself to face in that even more proverbial mirror.

Make sure that you see a proud human being in it.

We all have some things we would have liked to be different about our self.

I am a tall, curly, deadpan, just curvy enough, go get ‘m, semi-bookworm, leftfield, passionate, headstrong, loyal to a fault, woman who got stuck in a male-appearing meat sack prison for a large part of her life.

For too long, I have let it define, decimate, denigrate, deny, deconstruct, desensitise, and even destroy me. I did most of that (to) myself. Willingly. Dutifully.

No more.

A few years ago, I changed course. Drastically. Dramatically.

Today, I am proud of who and how I am, and I shine.

Not despite it, but because of it.

Now, you shine!


PS: If you like this post, and feel confident, please share this, and replace it with your own story, telling us what makes you special.