"The woman you're becoming will cost you people, relationships, spaces, and material things.Choose her over everything."
Thank you Zsófi, for sharing this with me. It’s so true. For all human beings, not just women.
It’s the being scared of losing, that is stifling, and even paralysing. Losing people more so, than losing possessions, I should hope.
But it’s the being yourself that is such a universally important goal. And with being yourself, and accepting/loving yourself, you can truly love the other people around you.
And you will find out, that if you are open, genuine, honest and clear, and loving, you will actually not lose those whom you think are going to leave you for being you. But they will flock to you, and support you, more than you ever experienced support.
I am currently experiencing that. Every day.
Thank you for showing the love and support and friendship I didn’t expect I’d ever feel!
To whoever needs to read the message in this image; read it over. and over. and over. and again.