While there are so many ‘first’ and ‘important’ days in my coming out, my transition, and the road that have taken since, but this particular day, April 9th, has definitely become one of the more impactful and meaningful to me.
While I sat there, silently crying one single tear in the men’s toilet after having brought my son back to his mother, and getting dressed in women’s clothes she had just given to me…
All the while, dreading to return to my suddenly-empty and void-of-love home.
It was then, exactly a year ago to the day, that I felt “ο φοίνικας αναγεννάται απο τις στάχτες του” (“phoenix is reborn from its ashes”) in all my body and soul.
All of its crushing decay, pain and hurt. All of its majestic rebirth.
That was when I decided Laura Helene was going to be my name, and that if I were forced to travel this road on my own, I was going to do so with confidence, positivity, and love. I then stepped out of the men’s room, to never return there anymore.
When I came home that evening, I didn’t go to bed, but removed all of my old identity’s, and my ex’s, things out of the bedroom, to only leave Laura’s belongings in there, and I didn’t sleep until that was done.